Oasis Claim Management Solutions: Medical Coding Specialist
Are you concerned about your practice's medical coding habits? Perhaps you've lost reimbursements because of inadequate medical coding. You may need assistance if you're having issues. Medical coding is essential so all parties can interpret procedures, diagnoses, and equipment into a universally accepted medical billing code.
Medical coding services provide code auditing reviews to ensure coding accuracy, policies, and procedures are accurate and regulatory compliant. A medical coding specialist can also help fix any potential problems.
Working with a medical coding specialist means that your practice has an opportunity to discover unbilled or inaccurately billed medical procedures. When insurance and government payers challenge inappropriate coding, it causes delays and potential loss of payment. Your medical coding specialist will address inadvertent under-coding, up-coding, and code overuse which may harm your ability to obtain reimbursement. Medical coding requires well documented procedures validating medical necessity.
Oasis Claim Management Solutions offers the expertise of Certified Professional Coders® to work with your practice. If you're searching for an independent review or assistance to analyze your medical coding, we can help.