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Oasis Claim Management Solutions: Medical Billing Services

Medical billing requires submitting claims and diligent follow up. While on the surface that sounds fundamental, medical billing requires the management of multiple variables to ensure full reimbursement. Why? Because something as simple as credentialing and contracting mistakes can cost your medical practice months of lost revenue. A medical billing specialist offers a suite of medical billing services to ensure full medical carrier reimbursement. They analyze processing integrity and each medical carrier’s reimbursement guidelines for your medical practice, ensuring claims submissions are processed completely and accurately—on time.

Get Assistance from Experts

It often takes a medical billing expert to resolve rejected and denied claims. A medical billing specialist provides necessary guidance from a set of best practices to avoid payment delays. What's more, medical billing services will generate ad-hoc as well as customized reports at regular intervals to  analyze and examine to ensure the resolution of various denial reasons related to contracting and credentialing, claim underpayments, patient and insurance demographics, procedural and diagnosis coding, and more. Working with a well-established medical billing services firm will result in cash flow improvements. Some of the services that you can expect from medical billing services include: ​

  • Credentialing, Re-credentialing, Contracting and Enrollment

  • Timely resolution of claim denials

  • Root cause analysis identifying underlying reasons for claim denials

  • Coding review

  • Working knowledge of carrier specific policies affecting medical claim reimbursement

In conclusion, a medical billing specialist is an excellent partner to have when you're navigating a seemingly endless maze of information, applications, terminology, guidelines, and procedures.

HIPAA Compliance

Achieving HIPAA compliance is a journey rather than a destination.  While we offer a HIPAA compliant practice management software. At Oasis Claim Management Solutions, we ensure our medical billing procedures meet certain service commitments and system requirements to ensure HIPAA compliance including:

  • Maintain commercially reasonable and appropriate administrative, physical, and technical safeguards to protect customer data equivalent to those safeguards used to protect Oasis Claim Management Solutions data.

  • Limit Oasis Claim Management Solutions personnel’s access to customer data based on business need and provide only the minimum necessary access needed.

  • Not disclose customer data to unauthorized third parties, including other Oasis Claim Management Solutions customers.

  • Promptly notify customers of confirmed incidents of unauthorized access to their data, if any, within 24 hours and provide support and assistance to the customer’s breach investigation.

  • Maintain a Quality Management System that include policies and procedures including, but not limited to, disaster recovery, data backup and recovery, business continuity, data security, customer incident management, and change management.

When we provide our medical billing services, you'll find specific features and functionality within our practice management systems allowing your practice to maintain certain HIPAA Compliant trust principles such as security, processing integrity, availability. privacy and confidentiality. Our medical billing services solution does provide support during business and after hours. Medical practices should weigh all of the advantages and time-saving opportunities when outsourcing its medical billing services

Information systems security design and active management is vital for medical billing service organization who maintain, process and store protected health information. Medical billing services who host medical practice data should take necessary and appropriate steps to ensure that its system's meets the following trust principals:

  • Secure - establish a control environment and ensure the system is protected against unauthorized access, both physical and logical

  • Processing Integrity – ensure transactions are valid, accurate, complete, timely and authorized

  • Available – ensure the system is available for medical practice and medical billing operations

  • Confidentiality – Information designated as confidential is protected as agreed

  • Privacy – Patient information is collected, used, retained, disclosed, and destroyed in conformity with commitments and the HIPAA Rules

The HIPAA Rules are established by the Privacy, Security, Breach Notification and Enforcement Rules at 45 CFR Part 160 and Part 164.

If you would like to more details about our organization and any compliance documentation related to compliance with HIPAA Rules and other regulations, please feel free to contact us.

Medical Code Auditing

A medical billing specialist interprets procedures, diagnoses, and equipment into a universally accepted medical billing code. Medical billing services provide code auditing reviews to ensure coding accuracy, policies, and procedures are efficient and regulatory compliant. Then they help fix any potential problems.

OCMS Medical Billing Services

Oasis Claim Management Solutions offers a medical billing specialist to work with your practice on contracting and credentialing, customized reporting, and practice management system solutions. We provide continual revenue cycle management support, with 24/7 technical support to ensure systems and applications operate effectively. And we provide cost-effective technology options for your practice.

Contact us to get an assessment.​




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